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a woman sitting on the floor in front of a lit up window
June 5, 2024, 7 a.m.
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a path with orange and yellow leaves
a row of round objects with flowers on them
a group of people walking in lights
a person with orange and white paint on their face
a fairy holding flowers on a log
a guitar in front of a brick wall
a room with a wood floor and a fireplace
a brown and black leather bag
a woman wearing a white coat and blue gloves
a parking lot with cars and a building
a group of people cleaning the street
a jeweled egg shaped box with a gold chain
a person sitting on a rock looking at clouds
a dog with a plastic cone around its neck
a building with a glass wall
two women standing in front of a staircase
a cartoon of a fairy sitting under a tree
a woman sitting on the edge of a pool
a collage of a woman in a tutu and a car
a pair of boots lying in a field
a collage of different snacks
a white and red skirt with strawberries on it
a large grey square object on a concrete block
a woman sitting on a couch looking at a phone
a pair of men standing on a football field
a group of women looking at clothes
a green chalkboard with white writing on it
a group of boats in a harbor
a chart of food items
shelves with books and pots on it
a purple leather purse with a strap
a hand with a ring on a white fabric
a pair of white electronic devices
a group of women in black dresses
a hand holding a disc brake
a close-up of hands holding a pipette