norsk (bokmål)
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a white ceiling with lights
May 9, 2024, 6:10 a.m.
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a word made of wood
a group of animals in a circle
a group of pears on a marble surface
a fruit cut in half
a piggy bank with a graduation cap on top of it
two donuts with sprinkles on top
a woman with green and yellow paint on her face
a sand castle on a beach
a person holding a blue ball over a deck of cards
a group of statues of women
a group of containers with designs
a diagram of a diagram of a person
a cartoon character pointing up
cartoon character in a room
a cartoon rabbit standing on a yellow marble floor
blur blurry image of a building
a blue logo with people sitting at a table
a group of women with bowls on their heads
hands holding a heart with a line of heartbeat
a house with a deck and stairs
a yellow background with a logo
a large round metal structures with a blue cover
a close up of a search engine
a pair of black shoes
a man riding a purple scooter
a row of pinball machines
a group of people standing at a desk
a bathroom with a glass shower and sink
a diagram of a beam
a diagram of a plan
a close up of a person's head
a wooden fenced area with dirt and wood
a stone structure with a face carved into it
a mosaic of a bird
a group of women holding hands together
a man sitting at a desk with a laptop
a woman reading a magazine
a puppy in a cage
a group of women posing for a photo
a bedroom with green cabinets and a bed